Friday, April 6, 2012

Zucchini and Potato Fritters


1 pc Zucchini, sliced thinly

1 pc Potato, medium-sized, sliced thinly and boiled

8-10 tbsp Flour

2 Eggs

1/3 cup Canola Oil

Salt and pepper to taste


1. In a bowl, mix zucchini, potato flour, eggs, salt, and pepper

2. Heat oil in a pan

3. Drop mixture into the hot oil (my mixture looked like a burger patty, you can shape it however you want it to look)

4. Brown both sides of the "patty"

6. Once done, drain patties with paper towels

7. Serve with your choice of sauces

1. Sauce. I used sweet chili sauce, yum!
2. You can also add chopped greens into the mixture. I forgot to add my favorite Chinese parsley, so I decorated it with one instead =D
3. This is nice to snack on, albeit a bit oily. One may be able to bake it though. My oven here is a toaster-oven-griller all rolled into one. However, it doesn't really do a good job of baking anything.

Do you have any fritter recipes you'd like to share?

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